How It

Hidden Promises incorporates a learning method that leads a person from virtually no knowledge of the promises in God’s Word to a solid foundation of understanding through memorization. Each of the Rounds in our downloads section includes 10 of God's promises found in scripture.
This is a 3-step process:
Step 1 – Take the Foundation Test to see how many of the 10 promises you already know.
Step 2 – Use the Flash Card Slides to review and begin memorizing the Bible Verses.
Step 3 – Choose one (or all) of the *Bible Quizzes to see what you have learned.
As the Word of God becomes "hidden" within the heart, a solid foundation of understanding will begin to be established. Hence,...Hidden Promises!
We believe that our learning model is great for people of all ages and stages of growth in their Christian walk. Whether used personally, with a small group, children's ministry or youth ministry, Hidden Promises is an invaluable resource.
Repetition is the key to making sure these promises are planted deep within the heart. We encourage you to make reviewing these promises a part of your on-going discipleship process.
Our prayer for you is, you will see the fruits of your labor become evident in your life and the lives of those you lead!
* It is recommended that you take the Complete the Promise Quiz as a final test.